Should You Worry About Hypertension?

September 12, 2019 - Reading time: 10 minutes

Should You Be Worried About Hypertension?

It seems like every time science and medicine come together to solve one major health issue another one comes along and takes its place as the new big killer. Recent studies show that this is as true as ever as we now know that Hypertension, which is more commonly known as high blood pressure, has now become the king of the hill in relation to what is killing Americans at a high rate. 

So, what exactly is Hypertension. Well, in short, it is an unsafe increase in the pressure at which blood flows through the veins and arteries. The danger in this is that it can lead to heart attacks and strokes, especially in older patients whose artery walls have become weaker and less flexible.

What Are The Chances You Have Hypertension?

According to a number of recent studies Hypertension has become the fastest growing killer of American men and women due to a number of causes. The most common of these are diets high in sodium which, as everyone has heard by now, has become a staple in the vast majority of American's lives It's at the point now where many people are not only ordering or preparing foods with too much salt but they are adding even more.

Another key factor which may be on the decline to some degree, but which is still a major issue is smoking. The science has been well established for a long time and the main issue is that smoking makes the heart have to work harder and increases the rate at which arteries begin to harden which, of course, leads to more chances that they will break down and lead to other related problems.

If these weren't enough there are also other factors such as age which simply means that the older the patient is, the more likely it is that they will have indicators such as high blood pressure readings. Furthermore, just your sex, alone, can be meaningful, as high blood pressure shows up in men considerably more than in women. But don't let that fool anyone as millions of women are the victims of this deadly disease.

Then, there are the factors which continue to go beyond anyone's control like the fact that hypertension is often an inherited trait. And, if you happen to be of African-American descent then you are far more likely to a potential victim.

How Do You Know If You Have It?

Finding out if you have Hypertension or high blood pressure is as easy as a visit to your doctor. This is where you can have your blood pressure checked with the aid of a blood pressure reading which is usually performed with the aid of a blood pressure cuff around the arm. The key point here is that your doctor will be looking, over a long period of time to see if you have consistently high reading over a period of time. This being the case it is highly recommended that everyone over the age of three have their blood pressure checked by a physician at least once a year.

How Bad Can It Be?

One of the biggest issues with Hypertension is the fact that there are very few significant symptoms which might tip people off in advance. With this being the case and without any real warning signs which might send people to the doctors before anything really bad happens, most people don't even know that they are in trouble until they find themselves suffering from an aneurysm, which is a bulge or break in an artery or kidney disease, or eye damage. That's not to mention the potential for heart attacks and strokes.

The Best Medicine

As they say, the best medicine for anything that ails you is an ounce of prevention. So, how does one work to prevent the onset of Hypertension. The first and simplest answer is to change some or all of the things that may be a contributing factor. This includes making the decision to create a more heart-healthy diet for yourself and stick to it.

Another thing is to get more beneficial exercise which can strengthen your heart and keep the blood flowing throughout the entire circulatory system. And, add to that a cleaner overall lifestyle that includes giving up smoking. This is important because it has been shown conclusively that tobacco use leads to a far more rapid increase in the hardening of arteries.

Beyond all of these factors are even more and no less important issues such as weight loss. Yes, losing weight can take an incredible amount of stress off of the heart and reduce blood flow issues for many people.

Finally, the evidence is clear that psychological stress and anxiety can have a profound effect on blood pressure so finding ways to manage stress is essential to keeping everything else that you do in check.

How To Live With Hypertension

It's important to understand that having Hypertension or high blood pressure is not a death sentence and that millions of people all over America and the world are and continue to live with the issues associated with this condition. The main thing is to keep up with your medications and alert your doctor if there are any significant changes in your blood pressure reading.


Combine all of that with a commitment to a healthier lifestyle which includes a proper, low sodium diet, the right kind and right amount of exercise as well as becoming a non-smoker and it's likely that you have the makings of truly heart friendly way of life. And, that could very well mean a longer, more active and happier life for everyone.