September 12, 2019 – Reading time: 10 minutes
Should You Be Worried About Hypertension?
It seems like every time science and medicine come together to solve one major health issue another one comes along and takes its place as the new big killer. Recent studies show that this is as true as ever as we now know that Hypertension, which is more commonly known as high blood pressure, has now become the king of the hill in relation to what is killing Americans at a high rate.
So, what exactly is Hypertension. Well, in short, it is an unsafe increase in the pressure at which blood flows through the veins and arteries. The danger in this is that it can lead to heart attacks and strokes, especially in older patients whose artery walls have become weaker and less flexible.
What Are The Chances You Have Hypertension?
According to a number of recent studies Hypertension has become the fastest growing killer of American men and women due to a number of causes. The most common of these are diets high in sodium which, as everyone has heard by now, has become a staple in the vast majority of American's lives It's at the point now where many people are not only ordering or preparing foods with too much salt but they are adding even more.
Another key factor which may be on the decline to some degree, but which is still a major issue is smoking. The science has been well established for a long time and the main issue is that smoking makes the heart have to work harder and increases the rate at which arteries begin to harden which, of course, leads to more chances that they will break down and lead to other related problems.
If these weren't enough there are also other factors such as age which simply means that the older the patient is, the more likely it is that they will have indicators such as high blood pressure readings. Furthermore, just your sex, alone, can be meaningful, as high blood pressure shows up in men considerably more than in women. But don't let that fool anyone as millions of women are the victims of this deadly disease.
Then, there are the factors which continue to go beyond anyone's control like the fact that hypertension is often an inherited trait. And, if you happen to be of African-American descent then you are far more likely to a potential victim.
How Do You Know If You Have It?
Finding out if you have Hypertension or high blood pressure is as easy as a visit to your doctor. This is where you can have your blood pressure checked with the aid of a blood pressure reading which is usually performed with the aid of a blood pressure cuff around the arm. The key point here is that your doctor will be looking, over a long period of time to see if you have consistently high reading over a period of time. This being the case it is highly recommended that everyone over the age of three have their blood pressure checked by a physician at least once a year.
How Bad Can It Be?
One of the biggest issues with Hypertension is the fact that there are very few significant symptoms which might tip people off in advance. With this being the case and without any real warning signs which might send people to the doctors before anything really bad happens, most people don't even know that they are in trouble until they find themselves suffering from an aneurysm, which is a bulge or break in an artery or kidney disease, or eye damage. That's not to mention the potential for heart attacks and strokes.
The Best Medicine
As they say, the best medicine for anything that ails you is an ounce of prevention. So, how does one work to prevent the onset of Hypertension. The first and simplest answer is to change some or all of the things that may be a contributing factor. This includes making the decision to create a more heart-healthy diet for yourself and stick to it.
Another thing is to get more beneficial exercise which can strengthen your heart and keep the blood flowing throughout the entire circulatory system. And, add to that a cleaner overall lifestyle that includes giving up smoking. This is important because it has been shown conclusively that tobacco use leads to a far more rapid increase in the hardening of arteries.
Beyond all of these factors are even more and no less important issues such as weight loss. Yes, losing weight can take an incredible amount of stress off of the heart and reduce blood flow issues for many people.
Finally, the evidence is clear that psychological stress and anxiety can have a profound effect on blood pressure so finding ways to manage stress is essential to keeping everything else that you do in check.
How To Live With Hypertension
It's important to understand that having Hypertension or high blood pressure is not a death sentence and that millions of people all over America and the world are and continue to live with the issues associated with this condition. The main thing is to keep up with your medications and alert your doctor if there are any significant changes in your blood pressure reading.
Combine all of that with a commitment to a healthier lifestyle which includes a proper, low sodium diet, the right kind and right amount of exercise as well as becoming a non-smoker and it's likely that you have the makings of truly heart friendly way of life. And, that could very well mean a longer, more active and happier life for everyone.
September 6, 2019 – Reading time: 8 minutes
Everyone knows that getting older can't be avoided but that doesn't mean that we all can't find ways to slow down the process and get more healthy and happy years out of our lives. Now, there are clearly a lot of differences between men and women when we look at them side by both physically and psychologically but there are also a lot of similarities. So, some of what we are here to talk about applies to both men and women but the focus of this is to look at men and the particular issues that they will tend to face as they move through the aging process.
On the surface it's obvious that men will appear older just because we can all see the increasing number of wrinkles and greying hair - that is if they don't lose a significant amount of hair and decide to shave it all off. But there are many other signs of aging in men that are not visible. For one thing, men and women will both slowly lose some of their bone density but studies have shown this to be more prominent in women so that is a mild positive for men. Then again, men tend to have more issues related to vascular functions including heart problems and hardening of the arteries. This can lead to high blood pressure which, as everyone knows, is a major concern and can lead to a number of medical issues including heart attacks.
Getting Old Is Not Sexy
Sure, not many men would say that they are becoming more attractive as they age, and the problems are not all happening on the outside. For one thing the decline in testosterone makes it much harder for men to keep or grow more muscle as they age and eventually they will begin to experience an actual loss of lean muscle mass which will, at some point, become apparent as they look in the mirror and see the softening tissue.
Then there are the effects of aging on the male sex organs. Here, men will likely experience some form of issues with urination becoming more difficult as the prostate gland begins to function less well. Further, the decrease in testosterone production will lead to a loss of mass in the testicles themselves. The result of all of this is that men will have an increasing likelihood that they will have lowered sperm and semen production as well as fewer erections that are suitable for intercourse.
The Fountain Of Youth
Men may not like the fact that they see the signs of aging in themselves but that doesn't mean that they have to just sit back and accept it. For one thing, there are numerous ways to slow down the effects of aging and many of them don't cost anything or require a doctor to give you a pill. First of all, a simple change in one’s diet can work wonders for aging men as an increase in healthy and nutritious foods can help boost energy and reduce weight which means that an older man can still do the work necessary to keep the muscles that he has for a lot longer and stay trim.
Aging The Way You Want To
One of the biggest problems facing men is the basic sense that they want to always be the man that they were in their youth. This means that they tend to keep doing the things that they always did but at a continuingly slower pace. This can be a good thing if it involves getting exercise and even playing sports as long as it doesn't wreak havoc on their joints which only weaken along with their bones.
Still, for those men who decide that they want to have an active and healthy life in their later years this means that they will have to make some adjustments when it comes to their activities. So, instead of physically demanding and damaging sports such as running or contact sports, men should look to activities which offer the benefits of a good cardiovascular workout but without anything that would put additional stress or strain on the bones and joints.
The Golden Years
In the end there is no question that aging is not a really desirable fact, but it is one that all humans will have to face once they have fully grown and reached full physical maturity. The question then becomes how to get the most out of life when the strength, flexibility and stamina that comes with youth begins to fade. The answer for many is simply to go with the flow and find new things to enjoy in life when many of the things that made their younger years so fruitful are just no longer possible or at least for any great period of time.
Yes, many older men have shown that life can be incredibly pleasurable once they come to terms with the fact that they are not the same men that they were in their teens, twenties and even thirties. So, if you find yourself staring into the mirror at more grey hairs, softening muscles and maybe a few unwanted pounds then the answer is to accept and embrace these new facts and find ways to push back against them.
August 30, 2019 – Reading time: 9 minutes
Some people would say that something with a reported eight-thousand-year history has run its course and it's time to go. In the case of tobacco use this might very well be true. Yes, tobacco use has been around since approximately six thousand B.C. and is believed to have been first used by natives in Central and South America. To be clear, the history seems to have begun with the use of the plant for medicinal and ceremonial purposes and it is unclear just when it was first used for smoking.
Still, by the time the first explorers from Europe showed up it was being used for what one might say was recreational smoking. The record shows that at the time of Christopher Columbus' arrival in the new world he and his crew were offered tobacco as a gift. And, he and his men were apparently so excited by this that they started buying the tobacco and brought it back to Europe with them.
Once in Europe, tobacco became a much sought after substance because a strong belief developed that it could cure just about anything from bad breath to cancer. Well, clearly, a lot of those beliefs have been proven to be untrue but the popularity and demand for tobacco only increased in size and strength as its use spread across Europe and all around the world.
Later, during World War I, the popularity of Turkish style cigarettes really took off and the age of what we have come to know as cigarette smoking began in earnest as millions of millions of service men brought the habit home with them and helped to spread it nearly everywhere.
Obviously, the following decades of the twentieth century saw a sharp rise in problems associated with smoking and other tobacco use and a growing awareness of the dangers of smoking as well as the large and sustained effort by tobacco companies to hide those dangers and the addictive qualities from consumers, the government and advocacy groups seeking to expose it all.
The Cool Factor
Looking back at all of the history of smoking and the eventual disclosure of how its multitude of negative effects on health have come to light over the last half century, it is hard to imagine just how many people all over the world continue to take up smoking. One of the key issues has always been what many would call "The Cool Factor" due to the draw that cigarette smoking has those who wish to appear cool or even rebellious. This kind of draw has been one of, if not, the key reason so many people try smoking in the first place. And, once they get over the noxious smoke that, at first, would not be appealing they begin to acquire a taste for it and, eventually, they will likely begin to build up enough nicotine in their systems that they will then begin to experience symptoms of nicotine withdrawal if they do not keep smoking in order to feed the addictive beast that is growing in their bloodstream.
The New Cool
Despite the draw to cigarettes attributed to people wanting to be seen as cool or rebellious there was a marked shift in the number of minors who took up smoking mainly due to a lot of education outreach, new regulations and a plain and simple recognition that cigarette smoking was a dirty habit that did not really add a mysterious quality but rather one that made them look less educated and of a lower class. This decrease in smoking among younger people, though a positive sign, has also led to another problem and that is the replacement of many outright tobacco products with other and, some would say, more modern systems of delivering nicotine to consumers in order to keep them coming back for more.
Smoking Versus Vaping
After all of the progress which had been made in recent decades in trying to get people to stop smoking cigarettes or using tobacco products in general, many stop smoking advocates were disappointed to see the introduction of what most people know as vaping products. For those who may not be all that familiar with these devices, they are essentially electronic cigarettes that use a heating coil to produce an inhalable vapor from an often-flavored nicotine capsule.
Although the research is far behind on these devices because they have not been around that long one thing that we do know is that there are studies which show that there are a number of negative health effects which can be brought on by vaping and many of them are quite similar to those experienced by tobacco users. Furthermore, the alarming rate of teens who are using the vaping products has risen sharply over the last few years.
To Smoke Or Not To Smoke
No one really questions whether smoking or other use of tobacco is bad for one's health but that hasn't kept million and millions of people from trying it or, even worse, becoming addicted to it. It should also be pointed out that, even though there has been a significant decline in the use of tobacco in many western and highly developed countries, the producers of these products have shifted their focus to other regions including the middle east and Asia.
But with the rapid rise of vaping, vaping products and specialty stores that sell them it is hard to see how smoking, vaping or any other use of products containing nicotine is likely to be sent into the dustbin of history.
August 23, 2019 – Reading time: 12 minutes
Everyone has seen those guys, the ones that walk around in T-shirts and jeans, or worse, things like cargo shorts all the time. The question is why is it that so many men feel that this is the way to present themselves to the world? This is especially true when one considers the great lengths that most women go to in order to make themselves look attractive. Well, the simple fact of the matter is that men, in general, have a completely different view of themselves and how they are perceived in this world than women do. This is based mostly on the fact that men are judged by a different set of standards than women are, especially in the western world or in regions where western standards have been significantly adopted.
One example of this would be in places such as Japan where traditional Japanese styles of clothing have largely been relegated to use only in ceremonial situations. Beyond that, the average person tends to wear western style clothing and follow most of the other norms associated with them. One of the real exceptions to this can be found in countries with a dominant Arabic or Islamic tradition. In those places some men, but an even larger number of women either choose or are required by law or tradition to wear far more modest items. And, of course, there are types of clothing which are simply designed to keep nearly all, or, v in some cases, all of the body hidden from public view.
Still, when it comes to the public appearance of men and women in most areas of the western world, the written and unwritten rules that guide men and women can be very different. When it comes to the written rules there are still a number of actual laws which regulate what part of the male and female bodies must be covered and even what they must be covered with. But, after one satisfies those rules there are a great many unwritten rules which must be followed in order to navigate the world we live comfortably.
One example of this is the near universal rule for restaurants of all kinds and other business establishments from convenience stores up to office buildings and the like. In these cases the minimum requirements are that shoes and shirts are absolutely required which means that a person, or more specifically, a man could be standing outside the building with no shirt or shoes on and be well within the limits of the law and propriety but, in order to step inside the building he must put on both.
Still, the real question here is why men have such a lower level of care and attention when it comes to what they wear and how they present themselves to the world. The simple answer is that men are judged by society on a whole other level than women in this regard. This is mainly due to a long and sometimes confusing set of rules which have been adopted by many parts of western culture. For the most part, these rules dictate that women's bodies are seen to be the essence of sexuality. And, for a society that still clings to a nebulous history of puritanical thought, this leads to a lot of conflicting thoughts when it comes to how we judge women, what they are allowed to wear by law and what they are allowed to wear and still be found acceptable by society at large. The key thing is that these rules were largely set by pretty much since the beginning of time and all around the world.
The Male Point Of View
Since there is no real argument that it is men who have made the rules when it comes to what is appropriate to wear since the very beginning it would be interesting to take a look inside the mindset of this half of the population.
In essence, men feel that they should be judged by others based on the strength that they possess both in the physical sense as well as mentally. In both cases these are indicators of their ability to dominate their environment and those who inhabit it. For example, men who make their livings utilizing brute strength such as construction workers or athletes see themselves as physically dominant and their choice of clothing tends to reflect that as they opt for items that allow them to move freely and protect them from the elements. On the other hand, men who earn their living in more cerebral fields tend to go for clothing items that have a more refined look and feel.
Of course, the details of these clothing items do change with the changing of styles and the materials available at the time but the bottom line here is that men do not tend to choose clothes that are not overtly sexually revealing unless there is a very specific requirement for it such as with performers in certain types of shows.
Again, the main reasoning behind this is the fact that men do not feel that they need to be judged by their looks and, therefore, do not seek to dress themselves in ways that highlight their physiques beyond the basic desire to show the world that they are physically fit.
From A Woman's Perspective
One thing that has become abundantly clear over the centuries is that women tend to see clothing and all of the accessories that the western culture is drawn to including make up as ways to make themselves more attractive to men. Now, there
are those who would argue this point and there are women who refuse to go along with this idea, but the evidence is inescapable when you look at western society as a whole. The bottom line here is that women, especially those who are interested in attracting a man tend to choose clothing and accessories which highlight their physical features mainly because they know that men are drawn to women who excite them sexually. And, this can sometimes be a tricky road to travel on because there is a vague but fine line between clothing and accessories which are widely considered to be attractive and those that are considered to be in poor taste or which bring about scorn and derision from a large segment of the population of both men and women. This phenomenon is based on the case that women are allowed to present themselves as sexual beings but should do so in a way that says that they are available but not too available. As the line can be hard to find the whole set of rules can seem like a tightrope that needs to be walked quite carefully.
Finding A Balance
In a world that allows men a great deal of discretion as to how they present themselves in a socially acceptable way there are still rules that he must follow depending on his position in that larger arena. For example, a man who is attempting to climb the corporate ladder the expectations are that he will wear clothing and groom himself in such a way that casts the company in a positive light. This is true for women, too, but the rules can be very different. In this case, the woman is expected to present an image which is respectable first and foremost. Still, the unwritten rules also dictate that she show a certain degree of sexuality which will make men, in general, more inclined to want to have her around for the important decisions that are likely to be made at the top levels.
In the end, as unfair as it may seem on the surface, women are held to a certain standard in their appearance which men are generally not. What the research shows is that this double standard goes all the way back to our most primal instincts. It is here that we find the basis for our cultural norms and the foundation for the idea that women who want to be seen as attractive need to present themselves as sexual beings who, all at once, must demonstrate that they are sexually alluring but also not so much so that they are seen as being actively seeking sex.
August 15, 2019 – Reading time: 15 minutes
There's a saying that goes, "Out with the old and in with the new" which pretty much sums up the way that most men in the developed world are feeling these days. That may sound simple enough but there are a lot of other sayings that could also apply which complicate the situation men are in a whole lot more. In the end most men find themselves in a confusing set of changing rules which often leaves them paralyzed when it comes to knowing how they should behave in a world in which their traditional roles are being questioned and even attacked as sexist. So, the question for men is - how do they figure out what their role is in society, their personal relationships with the women in their lives, women in general and who they are in dealing with other men. To understand all of these issues it is important to remember where we have been and how we reached this point.
If one were to go all the way back to the earliest days of humanity there would be little argument as to what a man's role in life was. Very simply, because of their superior physical strength, men were thrust into the role of protector and provider in a harsh world where one false move or a moment of weakness could lead to the end of his life and those around him that he cared for. But, as humans advanced and became more organized and civilized, those roles changed or broadened leaders began to pick and choose what roles men and women play in these fledgling societies. For instance, in most cases, not every man was chosen to be a warrior whose job it was to fight and risk life and limb to protect others. Instead, only those men who proved to the most skilled physically and who demonstrated that they could handle the stress and pressure of combat were chosen to the fighters.
With this being the case, a lot of new demands were created that needed to be filled. There became a need for those who could design and build structures that offered protection from the elements and from enemies both human and those found in nature. And, even though these skills were not of the kind that demanded an obvious display of strength and bravery they did demand a certain and highly coveted display of intelligence and mental agility. And, there is no question that these men gained an extremely high level of respect and were mostly very well compensated for their important contributions. So, with these advances and the need for those who had the skills the very definition of masculinity broadened.
The Division Of Labor
Now, there is no doubt that men were not the only ones who possessed the kind of intellect that allowed them to hold these positions in these advancing societies but the simple fact is that it is easy to see how the basic physical strength, natural aggressiveness and the desire for control lead men in most societies to limit the roles that women played in them. This point leads us to look at what is often seen as the old boys club. In general, this simply means that men, who through their natural inclination, were the ones who took charge and made the decisions as to who they wanted to deal with. And, in most cases, that meant that they naturally gravitated toward dealing with other men who they saw as equals and who they just naturally felt comfortable around.
This development meant that women who were given few options as to the roles that they could play in these societies also had to create a set of rules of our how they would govern themselves inside the inner sanctum of women where very few men either wanted to or were allowed to tread. It was inside this often cloistered world that a power structure for women developed and which dictated the roles of individual women every much as complex as the roles of men. The only difference is that its boundaries were determined by the governing body of men.
Separate But Not Equal
Add to that the issues facing men and women working together and the sexual tension involved and it's easy to see why men and women in almost all societies were largely kept separate. In fact, there are some quite interesting similarities between most societies when it comes to the way that men and women were kept apart and only allowed to connect in the most closely guarded situations. The main difference between all of these social constructions is in the way that they changed over time. This means that while some societies and the ways in which men and women were allowed to interact changed at a certain pace other societies were slower to adopt these types of changes. To see this in action all one has to do is look at societies all around the world and examine how some, at one point were highly restrictive in these areas but loosened up the rules and norms over the centuries while others have been much slower to change their ways. It is this basic evolution in the way men and women interact that is at the heart of most of the issues that face both men and women today.
The Evolution
Looking back at the basic evolution of interactions between men and women it all seems rather clear that this was, indeed, a natural evolution given the way humans seem to be hardwired but with the ever advancing state of technology and ever growing state of general security that our modern civilizations afford us all, many of the norms and rules that guided us have continuously shifted or fallen by the wayside with each passing decade. And, in the last century, those changes have been coming at an increasingly rapid pace. This also means that the conflict, both externally and internally, between men and women has been increasing, as well.
The key thing to remember here is that men and women have been shown to have the same basic intellect which, when allowed to flourish, has become a real source of contention between the sexes as women seek more and more opportunities to compete for the same roles that men have had nearly exclusive access to going back to the very beginning. And, even though it has been proven over and over that women can succeed in these roles as well or, at times, even better than men, this changing dynamic does leave a lot of men feeling as though they are being robbed of the roles that have traditionally defined who they are.
Power Sharing
So, having to face the fact that women are increasingly winning the struggle for access to basically all of the roles that have been traditionally reserved for men, society now finds itself dealing with a new set of rules which are continuously being defined and even redefined as men come to grips with the fact that much of which they had held on to as defining aspects of who they are is basically slipping away and leaving them searching for a new set of defining qualities as well as a new set of rules to govern their interactions with women have, in many ways, become their equals and, in some instances, their superiors. This brings us back to the question at hand which is how do men define themselves in the modern world and what does it mean to be masculine?
It seems from all of the research and general observation that men all over the developed regions of the world are viewing this question from a lot of different perspectives. In some cases men are desperately struggling to hold on to their traditional roles and views of the place in society as well as, in some cases, an increasingly outdated view of women's roles in society and the evidence is quite clear that they are, in many cases, facing a lot of blow back. Still, other men are evolving in ways that, on the surface, may seem to be eschewing many of the traits associated with traditional masculinity but, which many argue, is simply replacing some arguably outdated notions of masculinity with some new and revised versions.
A New World Man
Given that the world is changing in ways that are making many of the old definitions of masculinity more and more obsolete today's men are having to look at the world around them, at each other and even inward to find out what it means to be a real man in the twenty-first century. For some men this is harder than it looks as they find it nearly impossible to shake the chains of an old way of thinking. And, it may be that some men will never be able to reshape their own understanding of who they are and where they fit into this rapidly changing society. Perhaps they will always be with us but it seems apparent that they will never dominate the way they did in the past. Still, many other men are not only accepting these changes but embracing them as they try to hold on to some forms of classic interpretations of masculinity while redefining it to fit these times that we live.
One thing is for certain, today's women, as they gain access and equality have to understand that it is not only their lives that are changing but those of the males in their lives. This means that for men to continue to evolve in a way that lets them still feel like the men that they feel that they should be they will need to know that women will help them become the mates, partners, family members and fellow citizens that they all want them to be. After all, there is no question that men are losing something in this new world. The question is what will they be gaining?
August 7, 2019 – Reading time: 12 minutes
There is no question about - not every man is created equal. And, this is not to pick on men because it's no secret that there are plenty of ladies out there who need to check themselves before, they start criticizing every guy who doesn't live up to their standards. Still, we all must start somewhere when it comes to fixing the important things in life and everyone can agree that having a good man in a woman's life definitely fits into that category. So, whether we are talking about a guy that is already in your life or we're looking at some guys out there that seem to have potential but who you haven't closed the deal with yet, there's no reason to start the to do list right here and right now.
The Inspection
Not every man with the potential to be all that he can be and all that you want him to be is going to be walking around with a sign around his neck saying that he has the right stuff. In fact, it's often the guys who seem to be a walking billboard for perfection that fail when the real tests are applied. And, if there's one thing that ladies know how to do, it is come up with tests for the men in their lives. So, the question here is how do we know if a man has the right stuff even if it's in its rawest form? Well, the secret to knowing that is simply to observe him in his natural environment. Do you see him being kind to those around him and, especially those who he may have some power or control over? A woman has to know if there is some kind of basic flaw in the man's character and nothing says that more seeing the way he treats others and, as we said, those who he could hurt either by ignoring them or by taking actions that are damaging either physically or emotionally.
Once you have determined that the man is not a monster and that he appears to have an awareness of others and is willing to take their needs into consideration it might be time to approach him and find out a little more about what makes him tick. One way of doing that is to strike up a conversation that will get him talking about his likes and dislikes and how he spends his free time. One of the best ways to do this is to start by mentioning something that you might have done and see what kind of response that you get out of him. If he doesn't pretend to stick his finger down his throat when confronted with your story if may be that finds that activity something that he finds an acceptable thing to do.
The key thing in this situation is not to make the guy feel like he's being interrogated by you. Offer up some things about yourself like stories from you past or even a recent weekend and try to get him to reciprocate with some stories of his own. Not only are you likely to find out what this guy likes but you will probably find out if he has a sense of humor, what kind that might be and if he knows how to tell a good story.
Having Character Versus Being One
Getting to understand any man can be a long and complicated process but once you have a handle on who he is when it comes to the way he treats others is a major step. The next step is to figure out how he sees himself. By this we mean getting to see the world through his eyes and how he reacts to what he sees. For instance, does he see the world as a dark place with a lot of dangers that he must protect himself and others that he may care about from. Or, perhaps, does he see life as a joy to be consumed for everything that it's worth. Now, there may be a lot of variations on this theme but the bottom line here is that men can and do have a lot of different viewpoints on what the world and life are and how they should react to them. Take a man who sees the world as a dark place that is filled with creatures and situations which are out to take everything away from him. Men like that often tend to have a rather dark streak and can be quite protective of their thoughts and possessions. The often are rather hard to get to know because they tend to see everyone as a potential enemy and are afraid of divulging information that can be used against them either now or in the future.
On the other hand, there are a lot of guys who think of the world and life as something to be lived to its fullest and, in many cases, with a lot of humor. Men like this tend to always be looking for a laugh and enjoy the things that make that happen. These are the guys who really like comedies in film and television and they often give themselves away very easily by their choices in wardrobe, if you want to call it that, by wearing a lot of T-shirts with things like The Three Stooges on them. Now, a lot of women may think that this kind of guy should immediately be cast aside as he is likely to be a serious candidate for them as he is about being serious about anything at all. But, wait, as it often turns out, many guys with a bit of a goofy streak can turn out to be a great deal of fun to be around but it just might take a little work to get them to see that, even though there are plenty of laughs that should be had in life, being the butt of other people's jokes simply because they have failed to recognize just how important a man's wardrobe can be to his success and his chances for real opportunities in life. So, choosing a man who demonstrates that he has a positive outlook on life but knows when and where to take things seriously may not be easy but any serious woman with a fun streak would be well advised not to overlook some of those men out there that may not seem like the obvious choices.
Being Nice Isn't Everything
Sure, every woman wants a man with a good heart and a positive outlook, but she also wants a man who knows his way around the world and around a woman. And, if it's one thing that most women have come to understand it's the fact that not every man is cut out to be a leader in the world or in the bedroom, assuming that's what she really wants. But, there are numerous studies that show that most men, just like women, tend to mature a great deal once they hit thirties and beyond and that experience is the best teacher. So, even though there may be a lot of natural leaders out there many of them who have a history of showing it at an early age often flounder later in life as they discover that the personality and determination that made them natural leaders in their youth are not enough to weather the storms that will come at them in adult life and with dealing with colleagues who are not the same often wimpy boys that got pushed around in high school. Knowing all of this, it is safe to say that there are millions of younger men who may not seem like world beaters but, given some time and seasoning, can become stronger and wiser when it really matters. And, those men also tend to gain a lot of experience and wisdom that translates not only to the boardroom but also the bedroom.
The Final Product
Yes, women all around the world have been asking themselves how and where they can find a man that is the stuff of their dreams. And, as these women become more mature they come to realize that very few guys alive can live up to the image of Prince Charming but that many of them, if they have the raw elements can become a very real version of all of these ladies' dreams. The question is - do they deserve these guys?
Sure, there's no doubt that every decent woman deserves a guy worthy of their love and admiration. But, it doesn't really seem fair to put the whole burden on men to live up to a woman's dream when she isn't showing herself to be Cinderella. So, it seems like this is probably a good time for all the ladies to take a good look in the mirror and ask themselves if they are doing all the things that they can to become the woman that a worthwhile man deserves. If not, there's no reason to despair, After all, if a woman can look at a man who may not yet be all that he can be and see the potential in him then it seems quite likely that a man in the same position should be able to see the potential in her.
The key thing to keep in mind here is that no matter who you are you could always find ways to improve yourself. And, if we could all find someone who was willing to climb that mountain themselves and help someone else who is willing to make that climb, we just might all find what we are looking for.