Food Allergy Wars Between Parents

November 1, 2019 – Reading time: 8 minutes

How Should Parents Handle Childhood Allergies?

The battle has been raging for years and if you are a parent it can all be more than overwhelming when trying to figure out what the right course of action is when making decisions on how to handle allergies with their children. The fact of the matter is that the battle lines have been shifting back and forth in the last couple of years as so-called experts keep bringing forth evidence that keeps changing the commonly accepted understanding of what causes allergies and how to deal with them.

With this being the case, the fight over what to believe has only become more intense as people on all sides dig in and create more and more arguments to back up their stance and attempt to influence the public regarding their views. So, the questions we want to answer here is which side has made the case to back up their arguments and whether or not this issue will ever be settled once and for all.

Understanding Allergies

Before anyone can make a determination about what to think about allergies and how to deal with them it would be beneficial to know just what allergies really are. To do that it will take a little bit of a dive into the science and biology that is a critical part of all of that.

In essence, an allergy is a biological reaction to a wide variety of ailments that ends up being a significant over-reaction. This means that the body detects a substance that it believes to be an invader and rallies the immune system to combat it. But, for reasons that are often hard to determine, the reaction of the immune system ends up being more than is required. The result of this is an overload in the response that produces something called anaphylactic shock. The danger in this is that it can cause everything from minor swelling and itching to life threatening issues that can ultimately lead to drastic injuries or even death.

The Problem Is Only Getting Worse

There is no doubt about it, study after study has proven that the instances of allergies are on the rise and have been for a long time. For instance, allergic reactions to shellfish are up as much as seven percent, there has been an eighteen percent increase in allergic reactions from tree nuts and the cases of allergic reactions from peanuts, in particular, are up as much as twenty-one percent.

Even though there is a great amount of debate as to why this is happening the primary focus is often on the theory which is widely known as the hygiene hypothesis. For those who may not be familiar with this theory the basic foundation for it is the thought that, as we as a species become more and more health conscious, the more and more we become separated from our natural surroundings and, in our pursuit of cleanliness, separate ourselves from many of the germs and bacteria that surround us in our everyday lives.

It is believed that this reduction in contact with these other organisms prevents us from building up a natural immunity to their dangers. On the surface, this explanation makes a lot of sense as it seems obvious that not being able to build up an immunity to all kinds of microscopic creatures would lead to this very problem.

The Timing Around Immunity

One of the most contentious issues surrounding this subject centers on when to begin exposing children to potential allergens. Some believe, based on a growing amount of research, that children as young as four to six months of age should be given peanuts as the statistics show that up to eighty percent of children in this age bracket will not experience any allergic reactions when given this kind of exposure.

The Allergy Parent Trap


It can definitely be a scary proposition for parents to figure out how to proceed when it comes to introducing their children to potential allergens. Still, all of the evidence suggests that exposing children to these potential harms at an early age is the best course of action. Still, since the consequences can be significant it is always advisable to consult with an allergist before determining how to proceed.

Lobster, Lobster Everywhere - The Story Behind This Crustacean Boom

October 25, 2019 – Reading time: 8 minutes

Lobster, Lobster Everywhere

There was a time when eating lobster was the very definition of luxury. And, even though it is still considered a treat, it doesn't seem to have the same air of exclusivity that it once did. The reason for this is most likely rooted in the simple fact that lobster is not as rare or expensive as it once was. Now, that is not to say that lobster is cheap but there is a somewhat surprising fact that most people just don't realize and that is that the size of the lobster population has exploded in recent decades to the point where it is at an all-time high.

This is especially true in the U.S. state of Maine where lobster has long been a chief industry. The statistics show that over the last thirty years the growth in the population of lobsters has increased six fold in just the last thirty years. And, surprisingly, even scientists who study these tasty sea creatures are not sure why this is happening. Yes, there are a number of theories but none of them seem to answer all of the questions that have arisen on the subject. So, let's take a look at a few of the most likely scenarios.

Warming Seas Equals Better Breeding

There appears to be some truth to this fact given that numerous studies show that the waters off the coast of Maine are heating up faster than 99.9 % of the oceans around the world. And, it is true that relatively warmer waters are more conducive to the survival and growth of lobsters as it allows them to grow and bulk up faster. This means that they are able to survive and even dominate their environments far more easily as their added size keeps them safe from predators and allows them to muscle their way into areas where there is a greater food supply.

The strange thing about this fact is that as the population of mature lobsters continues to increase the population of baby lobsters appears to have taken a sharp decline. The latest studies indicate that the number of young lobsters has dropped by as much as 80% in the last decade or so and this could lead to a real population crisis in the coming years.

Lobster And The Next Generation

There are a number of reasons why making sure there are enough lobsters out there for future generations is important. For one thing, having a healthy and thriving ecosystem is a critical concern for the planet as a whole and lobsters are definitely a key link in their own environment and to the larger environment, in general. More importantly, to some, if there is a major drop off in the population of lobsters, especially in Maine which supplies a full 85% of the lobsters harvested in the United States, it would likely mean a devastating loss of business for a state that is already overly dependent on this industry.

Looking at all of the negatives involved with an industry of this size and import there is one thing that is certain and that is the fact that letting it decline to any significant degree would be a bad thing for the economy of Maine, the country and the world at large since the export of this product is essential to a growing number of businesses all over the globe.

The Role Of Over-Harvesting

As bad as the problem may be in the years to come regarding the marked decline in production of lobster young there is an issue which cannot be overlooked and, at this very moment, is a severe threat to the species and the industry that depends on it. Yes, we're talking about the problems with over-harvesting. As countless sets of studies have proven over the last several decades the increase in harvesting of lobsters especially off the coast of Maine has grown exponentially in the last hundred years or so. This is best illustrated by the fact that in 1900 there were just a few hundred thousand traps placed in the coastal waters off of Maine and in the years and decades since then that number has grown to be over four million lobster traps.

The Lobster Economy


The explosive growth in the number of traps has not been in correlation with the number of landings or boats that are being used in the process. The fact here is that the number of landings and boats used in the cultivation of lobsters has also increased dramatically over the last one hundred years but not nearly at the same rate as the number of traps. This simply means that the number of traps being deployed are coming from a fewer number of landings which means that the number of hauls and the profits associated with them are being taken in by an ever shrinking number or percentage of actual lobstermen and the companies that they represent. This means that the distribution of wealth surrounding the lobster industry is finding its way into fewer and fewer hands.

Pink Salt: Why Is It So Popular? Are There Health Benefits?

October 17, 2019 – Reading time: 9 minutes

What's Special About Pink Salt?

Over the centuries there have been many forms of naturally occurring substances which have been highly prized, At the top of the list are precious metals such as gold and silver. More recently there have been other metals such as those which are needed to produce many of the items, we use in the digital age such as computers and smartphones. Then, there are many substances like minerals which are consumed by millions and millions of people all around the world. Perhaps the most widely used and popular among these is salt. The reason for this is pretty simple since salt is loved by nearly everyone as it brings out and enhances the flavor of just about anything that we, as humans, like to eat especially those things that we would consider to be savory.

That said, over the last few years there has been a real change in the way people look at salt as those familiar white crystals are slowly being replaced by a wider and wider use of pink salt. Now, for those who may not be familiar with this shift toward the use of pink salt, the important thing to understand is that this particular type of salt is generally found in parts of Asia and many believe that it is superior in one way or another to the more common forms of salt that have traditionally been more popular in most parts of the western world.

What Started The Growth Of Pink Salt?

According to all of the available information collected from numerous sources including industry reports as well as accounts in media from newspaper and magazine articles and discussions within the food industries the rise in popularity of pink salt began just a few years ago. It was at this time that the subject began showing up in many articles and shows related to the food industry. It soon reached the point where discussions related to pink salt began trending on social media. And, as everyone should know by now, subjects that start to trend in this way usually start to filter out into the real world and begin to get picked up in mainstream media and even in our everyday conversations.

The most prominent source of all of the talk about pink salt appears to have started within the food industry. And, the main reason for that seems to be based on the belief that some have had is that there is something special about it. Now, some might wonder what could be so special about pink salt compared to other and more common forms of salt that have been so popular for so long, but, if nothing else, the growing attraction with pink salt is based largely on its unique color. And, when one breaks down the reason for the difference in color, one finds that this is due to a higher than average content of zinc, magnesium and calcium. However, there is no credible or verifiable evidence that any of that makes pink salt significantly any different from other and more common forms of salt.

Are There Any Health Benefits To Pink Salt?

This is an interesting aspect to the whole subject of subject concerning pink salt as many have come to believe that it has certain healthy or even medicinal properties. However, all of the evidence that has been looked at up to this point shows that there is no significant evidence of any real health benefits associated with the consumption of pink salt. Indeed, it appears that many of the proponents of pink salt appear to have taken the growing affinity for pink salt and then, after the fact, promoted the idea that it has some additional benefits compared to other types of salt.

This kind of what some might call hype is nothing out of the unusual as each form of commodity is always marketed with one or more features and benefits which is always meant to somehow differentiate itself from its competition.

Does Pink Salt Taste Better Than Other Salts?

Among the selling points for pink salt are a few claims which seem to be somewhat romanticized. For one, there is the basic and near ubiquitous claim that all pink salts are mined in the Himalayan Mountains. And, even though that is not a completely untruthful statement, it can be somewhat misleading as many of the veins which are found and can be mined are actually located in more low lying and inland areas. So, being that the source of pink salt is not really significantly different from many of the forms of salt it cannot be said that there is any real scientific reason for a taste differential in these forms of salt.

That said, there are many aficionados of pink salt who will tell you that there is, in their opinion, a real difference in the taste. This belief has led to a growing use of pink salt in more trendy establishments and among younger and more affluent users at home.

Should You Change To Pink Salt?

Looking at all of the available information related to salt use in general and especially to the growing use of pink salt among certain groups it appears clear that there is no real or tangible difference between most of the higher-grade levels of salt with similar levels of purity. That said, there is also evidence that many users tend to have their own taste preferences. And, even if those preferences may be colored by a psychological bent, there is no denying that a person's own personal preferences can be a powerful influence on what they like and can, therefore, not be overlooked or easily dismissed.


Looking back at everything that we now know about the differences between the mostly commonly used types of salt and pink salt what we can say is that there are no real medical or health benefits that pink salt has in relation to other forms of salt and that, when it comes to taste preferences, the difference in taste is on the tongue of the taster.

4 Signs You Are Doing Too Much Cardio

October 10, 2019 – Reading time: 10 minutes

4 Signs You Are Doing Too Much Cardio

The whole reason anyone gets involved in exercise that improves the cardiovascular system is to increase their overall strength and stamina and endurance. At the same time one can also boost their long term health outlook because of the benefits are this type of exercise can boost heart and lung capacity. So, in essence, there is nothing in the world of strength and conditioning that can do more for a person who is looking for ways to improve their life both in the short term while increasing the likelihood of having a better quality of life as they age. This is especially true regarding their senior years.

The only real problem with this approach to fitness is that there are limits to the benefits that a cardiovascular regimen can provide. This simply means that anyone, no matter how young or physically well they may be, can go too far in their quest for good health. So, keeping all of that in mind it's time to take a look at some of the signs that you might be getting that you are pushing your quest for fitness beyond the limits of safe and beneficial results.

1. You Are Always Exhausted

One of the key reasons anyone gets involved in exercise of a serious nature is the fact that they feel like they are not as strong, alert and energetic as they wanted to feel and think that they should be feeling. And, when someone finds themselves in this situation, the first thing they generally do is get involved in some kind of cardio exercise.

The problem that most people in this situation find is that they don't really have a good idea of how to go about developing a regimen that is both safe and beneficial. Yes, without this kind of knowledge many people end up either not doing enough exercise to be truly beneficial or going too far and actually hurting themselves by overdoing it. This tends to lead people to drop their routine and losing all of the potential benefits that come with sticking with a solid routine.

They key to avoiding this kind of issue is to get the right kind of information that will allow you to develop a regimen that will get you the kind of benefits that will greatly improve your life while helping you to avoid any issues regarding setting yourself up for the potential for injuries or just being counterproductive.

2. You Don't Feel Stronger

Here you are putting everything you have into getting in shape and you end up actually feeling weaker. The scenario probably looks something like this. You go out for a run and you feel good but then you go to the gym to do some weight training and, when all is said and done, you end up feeling like you are actually a little weaker than when you started.

The reason for this is pretty simple and that is due to the fact that engaging in too much cardio can actually eat away at the gains in muscle building that weight training can bring. Looking closer at the facts one will find that, although cardio exercise is great at burning fat, it also ends up eating away at muscle growth in the process.

What this means is that anyone engaging in both exercises designed to burn fat and build up stamina and endurance as well as a regimen of weight training designed to build up muscle can find themselves in a totally counterproductive activity. In the end the goal should be to find a balance between activities which help to build up stamina and endurance while burning fat while building up muscles through a weightlifting regime.

3. You Can't Fall Asleep

So, the day came that you got involved in an exercise regimen that helped you feel more alert and having more stamina and endurance. And, the more you did this activity which might have been running outdoors or on a treadmill or any other activity that produces that kind of result, you found yourself feeling better and better. But, at some point, you found that you were having more and more trouble falling asleep at night. Is there a connection you may be asking? The answer is, quite possibly, yes.

The reason for this is that the more cardio exercise that you engage in the more likely it is that you are increasing your heart rate and building up the levels of cortisol which is a stress hormone. The end result of this is that these increases can lead to a heightened level of alertness which can make it extremely hard to fall asleep at a time that is conducive to the kind of packed schedule that so many active people have to deal with.

4. You Are Getting Injured More

It does no one any good to work hard to improve your physical condition only to find out that they are actually achieving the opposite. This means that if you are finding yourself engaged in a cardio routine that leaves you feeling damaged or less healthy than you did before you got started on the whole endeavor. This kind of thing happens because people tend to get involved in exercise routines without truly understanding the best practices that go with them.


What happens in this case is that people go well beyond the optimal point of getting beneficial gains from their cardio or weight training regimens and end up placing a great deal of undue stress on various parts of their bodies. Now, it is true that there is a certain amount of stress, strain and even pain associated with getting a beneficial amount of serious exercise but there is a point where that normal degree of stress and strain reaches the tipping point and people start to experience issues which can lead to injuries and pain which can prevent them from continuing their exercise regimen.

The Triple E (EEE) Threat

October 4, 2019 – Reading time: 9 minutes

The Triple E (EEE) Threat

The Triple E (EEE) Threat

As if most people don't have enough problems to deal with, many people around the world and in some regions of the United States now have a new and growing concern in the form of Eastern Equine Encephalitis or EEE. This disease has been found to be caused by mosquito bites and generally occurs in areas which can be described as being coastal plains. Most of these areas can be found along the east coast of the United States and in the flood plains of the deep south. One of the hardest hit areas on a year to year basis is the state of Florida where there are deadly cases found nearly every single year.

What Is EEE?

What Is EEE?

In short, EEE is a virus which humans contract through Mosquito bites. The mosquitos that carry it get it from biting birds that are the initial carriers. The real danger with contracting EEE as a human is that it, at this time has no known cure. Because of this it has been shown that nearly half of all humans who contract the disease will ultimately die from it and even those who do survive will most likely never fully recover from its affects.

The symptoms of EEE include but are not limited to a high fever of a hundred and three to one hundred and six, neck or back pain as well as a feeling of lack of energy. Those who suspect that they may have contracted the disease should contact a medical professional as soon as possible as early detection can be the difference between life and death.

Who Is Susceptible?

Who Is Susceptible?

Unfortunately, no one is safe from the threat of EEE so the key to prevention lies in avoiding being bitten by a mosquito that has, itself, been infected.

To look at a region which has been particularly hard hit in recent years, one could point to Massachusetts which is known from some significant areas which offer a welcoming home for mosquitoes with its comparatively large areas of salt marshes and other low lying wetlands.

The threat of EEE has grown to alarming proportions in this state over the last decade and multiple deaths have occurred in a number of counties but most notably in Norfolk and Plymouth counties which have a generally higher number of marshy or swampy areas well-known for their populations of mosquitoes.

Protection From EEE

Protection From EEE

As discussed earlier, there is no real way to protect oneself from mosquitoes that carry the EEE virus other than to attempt to lower the population of mosquitoes in general. For instance, in Massachusetts, there has been a concerted effort on the part of state authorities to increase spraying in areas which are highly vulnerable to populations of mosquitoes.

In addition, many state and local authorities as well as many private organizations are taking more and more precautions by limiting outdoor related activities to day time hours which greatly reduces the chances of mosquito bites because of their habits of only seeking food beginning around dusk. On top of that, many private organizations are curtailing outdoor activities. This includes many sports leagues for both children and adults.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Where do we go from here?

With no apparent progress with the developments for a cure to this deadly and debilitating disease it seems as though life in areas which are susceptible to mosquito bites which could be from mosquitoes that have been infected by the birds that they bit and are now carriers of the disease will be changed in certain ways for a long time to come.

At best, the only real solutions to the problems associated with Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) are to continue what has been done on the part of the authorities in affected areas and through the diligence of people in those regions. This means that the efforts to keep spraying to kill mosquitoes along with personal efforts to protect individuals through the use of mosquito repellents will have to be maintained in order to reverse that rise in infections and tragic deaths which have been on the rise in all areas in which this is an issue.

All in all, the best course of action for anyone who might be affected is to learn as much as possible when it comes to this deadly disease. Some key points would be to do your research to find out just how likely it is that the areas in which you live is susceptible to large populations of potentially affected mosquitoes as well as knowing about any reports which suggest that your area is of higher than average risk at any point in time. 


Take all of that and combine it with some common sense rules about where and when to expose yourself to mosquito bites and you can greatly reduce the chances that you will end up having to deal with this highly dangerous and even fatal disease.

Train Your Cat To Come When Called

September 26, 2019 – Reading time: 8 minutes

Train Your Cat To Come When Called

Here, Kitty! How many times has someone called out to their cat to come since the beginning of time and in how many languages? The answer to that question isn't really that important but we know the number would be astronomical. The real question is whether or not any of those fickle felines ever did and, more importantly, why they did. Now, if you want to look at the anecdotal evidence there are plenty of examples of cats coming to their owners when called but it's hard to tell exactly why the cat may have done that. For example, it could be that the cat simply recognized its owner and associated them with food or some other need it may have had. And, if that was the case, then is that a bad thing. After all, it's probably not that important what the reason was as long as the desired result was achieved.

Still, there are millions and millions of cat owners all around the world who want to believe that their furry little friend wants to come to them out of a sheer desire to be close to them and share a real moment of bonding. Now, all of the available science tends to point to the fact that cats do not think like humans do but there is also plenty of evidence that they do have feelings and emotions which bond them to us even if it's on a level that we do not fully appreciate or understand.

So, keeping all of that in mind, let's take a look at what we do know about our four-legged feline friends so that we can figure out just what kind of communication we can really expect to have with them.

Early Cats

No, we're not talking about those cats that decide that three o'clock in the morning is a good time to start their day and, as a cat owner would know, have us start our day with them. Instead, what we're talking about here is the history of cats and, more importantly, their history with humans.

There is a lot of research that has been done when it comes to studying the relationship between humans and cats but the best evidence suggests that small cats which, of course, lived in the wild, began to live closer and closer to humans as mankind developed to the point where they had some form of tribal home and had permanent or, at least, semi-permanent homes where scraps of food were left around. Obviously, this kind of thing would have been attractive to cats as well as wild dogs who we know were adept at following humans as they moved around in a nomadic lifestyle and would leave scraps for the wild dogs to feast on. Now, at first, it was unlikely that men were consciously leaving food for the dogs but, over time, they probably saw that the dogs were good at giving men early signs that other, larger predators were nearby. So, seeing the advantage in having dogs around men began to welcome them and even start to domesticate them. And, as we all know this relationship has turned into a deep and lasting one that has made dogs a central part of life for countless millions of humans.

And then there is the cat. Now, as discussed the relationship between humans and cats appears to go back just about a far as the one with dogs but, being that cats do not really offer much in the way of what humans could rightfully call any real tangible benefit when it comes to things like being able to protect us from predators the question then becomes what use are they really? The answer is really quite simple - cats make people who like them feel good and their generally quiet and independent nature makes them great pets for people who like to have a snuggly little creature around and for those who like to make stupid cat videos. Because, if there's one thing that the internet age has taught us, it's that cats can really make us laugh when they’re not breaking things that we love.

Who Is Training Who?

Okay, it's time to look at just how we can make our cats come to us when called. The simple fact of the matter is that cats are not going to come to you because they think you deserve to be treated with respect for all that you do for them. No, they will come when called because they know there is something in it for them. In most cases that means food. So, since using food as a way to get your cat to come when called seems like an obvious choice, the question then becomes what kind of techniques will really work. After all, we can't just keep pouring cat food into a bowl hoping that the cat will come running. That might work sometimes but it sure doesn't qualify as having the cat come running when called.

Still, we can use the basic desire for food, if we get the cat to associate some kind of treat with a particular sound that we make. The sound itself isn't all that important as long as it is somewhat unique so that when the cat hears it. The key is to combine the sound made by a treat container opening with the utterance of the chosen human sound. So, the trick, as demonstrated by many who have tried this, is simply to give the cats some kind of treat over and over again while uttering the sound. In time, most cats will learn to associate the sound with a treat and come running.

In the end, a little trickery is okay if it gets you a little closer to your cat.